Director of Technical Education Message

C.C.E.T formerly known as Central Polytechnic is one of the premier institution of the countryimparting high quality education in the field of Engineering and Technology."Education is a fundamental human right and an essential tool to ensure the fullblossoming of the potentialities of each individual. Knowledge gives wings to the mind andis the food of the soul. The training of human resources is one of the principal factors inachieving sustainable economic and social development".The institute is committed to creating an ambience for nurturing innovation, creativity and excellence in our students. .This institute also lays emphasis on adherence to high ethical values within the academic community comprising of both students and teachers, recognizing that professional success and personal happiness are closely linked with adopting of a moral and ethical value system indealing with all fellow human beings. “Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as faras your mind lets you. What you believe, you can achieve." I extend my Best Wishes to the students joining this institute this year and wish them a brightacademic and professional future as well as personal peace and happiness.